$7,500.00 to Arts for Learning Connecticut for their “Express Yourself” after-school arts learning program at Smalley Elementary School
$5,625.00 to Best Buddies of CT to fund Friendship and Leadership Development in New Britain and Berlin
$9,375.00 to Big Brothers Big Sisters in Connecticut to fund Community Based 1:1 Mentoring
$7,500.00 to BLFC Academy, Inc. for BLFC Youth Soccer Development Program, Tournaments and Training Sessions
$11,250.00 to Boys and Girls Club New Britain to fund the Computer Literacy Program
$5,000.00 to the Center for Children’s Advocacy to support the New Britain Medical Legal Partnership
$7,500.00 to CCARC to fund the Social Enterprise through Art & Music program
$11,250.00 to CCSU Foundation, Inc. to fund the Drop-In Child Care Center
$11,250.00 to Chrysalis Center to fund Case Management for Community Supportive Housing Program
$10,000.00 to the Connecticut Foundation for Dental Outreach to fund the Connecticut Mission of Mercy Free Dental Clinic
$6,500.00 to Connecticut Storytelling Center for the “Littlest Listeners” and “Start with Stories” programs in New Britain Schools
$3,500.00 to the Connecticut Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra for Interactive and educational music programs for CSDNB students
$11,250.00 to Consolidated School District of New Britain to fund the Summer Learning Experience (S.L.E.)
$11,250.00 to Coram Deo to fund their Client Care program
$5,625.00 to Family Forward Advocacy to fund the hiring of a development consultant and trainer to improve fundraising
$8,000.00 to Gifts of Love, Inc. to support the Weekend Food Backpack Program in New Britain
$5,000.00 to Girls with Voices, Inc. to support “Girl Talk” a development program for at-risk young women
$12,000.00 to Greater New Britain Teen Pregnancy Prevention, Inc. for General Operating Support
$7,500.00 to Healing Meals Foundation Corporation for Healthy Meals for Low-Income Clients in New Britain & Berlin
$11,025.00 to Hospital for Special Care to fund the Music Therapy program
$7,500.00 to Junior Achievement of Southwest New England, Inc. to support Career Exploration & Preparation for New Britain and Berlin High School students
$11,250.00 to Klingberg Family Centers for General Operating Support
$11,250.00 to Literacy Volunteers of Central Connecticut to fund the Literacy for Economic Self-Sufficiency program
$7,000.00 to Lumibility to support Kidsteps Early Intervention ESDM (early Start Denver Model) supplies for families in New Britain
$15,000.00 to New Britain ROOTS to fund the New Britain Mobile Farm Stand
$7,500.00 to New Britain Youth Theater to support the Multi-generational Shakespeare performance at the New Britain Museum of American Art
$11,250.00 to Prudence Crandall Center to fund their Emergency Shelter Program
$7,500.00 to Queen Ann Nzinga Center to fund the Watoto Arts Enrichment Program
$11,250.00 to Senior Transportation Services for General Operating Support
$11,250.00 to Salvation Army to fund their Pathway of Hope Initiative
$12,500.00 to The Children’s Law Center for Legal representation for New Britain Judicial District & Families in Transition Mediation Program
$7,500.00 to UR Community Cares, Inc. to fund the UR Community Cares Member Assistance in New Britain and Berlin
$12,000.00 to YWCA New Britain for the STRIVE Youth Development Program
Total grants awarded in 2024 $311,900.00